Important Consignor Dates
Inventory Entry Deadline
Sunday, March 23rd, 11:59pm
Consignor Drop-Off
Monday, March 31st (By Appointment Only)
Tuesday, April 1st (By Appointment Only)
Consignor Shopping
Wednesday, April 2nd, 3:00PM (consignor pre-sale)
Saturday, April 5th, 6:00pm (half-price pre-sale)
Consignor Guest shopping
Thursday, April 3rd, 4:00PM
Unsold Item Pickup
Sunday, April 6th, 2:30pm – 5:00pm
March 23 | Sunday | Inventory Entry Deadline | 11:59pm |
March 31 | Monday | Consignor Drop-Off (by appt) | 4pm-8pm |
April 1 | Tuesday | Consignor Drop-Off (by appt) | 9am-5pm |
April 2 | Wednesday | Consignor Shopping | 3pm-8pm |
April 3 | Thursday | Consignor Guest Shopping | 4pm-8pm |
April 5 | Saturday | Consignor Half-Price Shopping | 6pm-8pm |
April 6 | Sunday | Unsold Item Pickup | 2:30pm-5pm |
To Participate or Not — that is the question!
Consignors must have a minimum of $75 worth of items in order to sell and may sell a maximum of 400 items total.
If you only have a few items, consider whether your potential sales are enough to make the cost of registration, effort, time, and participation worthwhile to you. Seller spots are limited. The $15 registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Consignors retain at least 65% of what their items sell for, with opportunities to retain up to 80%
One consignor account per household.

Step 2: Type of Service
1. Do It Yourself
- Supplies and Tagging Tips – Click Here
- Items, Limits, and Item Prep – Click Here
- Junior Clothing – Click Here
2. Valet Tagging Service – We do it FOR you!
No time to tag and prep, but still want to sell your items? Let us do the work for you and still make money with our VALET TAGGING service! A portion of your sales goes to your Valet Tagger and you are charged a small supply fee. Valet Consignors get to shop early and can join our Crew for increased perks. Click here for more Valet Tagging information. Spots are limited, so SIGN UP NOW if this service interests you!

Step 3: Preparing Your Items
Collect Inventory
- Collect eligible items
- Please read about acceptable Items, Item Limits, and Item Prep instructions Click Here
- Junior Clothing (Adult Sizes for TEENS, not youth, not mom clothes) Click Here
- Inspect & Clean all of your items to make sure they are in working order, and free from stains and flaws.
- Read through the CONSIGNOR HANDBOOK for lots of info on the process!
Price, Hang, & Tag
Log in to your consignor account and enter your items into our online inventory and tagging system. (We have a video tutorial on the Consignor Facebook group page)
- Pricing: Minimum price is $2.00 and you can only price in whole dollar increments.
- Description Field: Be very detailed and descriptive! Use words like slim, husky, runs small, or runs big and include brand, color, pattern, etc.
- Discount/Donate: We highly recommend discounting ALL of your items! Statistics show that more items sell at full price if they are marked for discount! And if they don’t sell at full price, wouldn’t you rather have half the earnings than not sell it at all? If you are not planning to come find your unsold items at pick-up, mark them for Donation. These 2 options are part of the tagging process, super easy, just check the box!
- Size Field: Clothing tags must contain a NUMBER size in the tag’s size field.
- Convert letter sizes (e.g., XS, S, M, etc.) to their number equivalents. See size chart below (Exception: Junior Clothing Sizes uses only XS, S, M, L, XL)
- Enter the smaller number for clothing containing multiple sizes into the tag’s size field. Example: 6/7 is entered as 6, for 10/12, enter 10.

- Hang: All clothing and blankets must be hung on hangers! The hook of the hanger should be facing left — like a question mark!
- Print Tags: Print on white cardstock and attach securely to items via safety pins or tape (or, if used properly, optional tagging gun). Loosely attach tags to large items as they will be attached to a Large Ticket Tag so shoppers claim the item and continue shopping. See the Supplies and Tagging Tips information HERE

Step 4: Drop-Off
- Sign Up: Select a drop-off appointment time from your consignor account homepage. You may change your appointment time any time before the Inventory Entry Deadline (10:00pm on Saturday).
- Appointment: Drop-offs are scheduled appointments, please arrive on time.
Unorganized and/or late arrivals affect others and can cause significant delays. So, BEFORE arriving, be sure to organize clothing by size and gender and group all other items by category. - Process – Plan for 30-60 minutes
- Arrive & bring in a load of clothing items first.
- Check-In at the table to let us know you are here.
- Unload clothing first so that a Crew Member can start inspection
- Then unload all non-clothing items. YOU will be putting these items on the sales floor where they go. There will be bins/baskets at each location around the floor for you to put your items in.
- When your clothing is finished being inspected YOU will take the accepted items and put them on the clothing racks by gender, size, and type.
- Set up any large items (i.e. pack n play, swing, beds).
- Leave with your empty totes/containers.
- Crew Inspection and Acceptance
- Items will be inspected for eligibility, proper tagging, etc.; don’t be offended if not all items are accepted, we have high standards and quality control is super important!
- Any unaccepted item(s) you will take home with you after you finish putting your items on the sales floor. If items are marked for donation, you can leave them to be donated.

Step 5: Shop
Consignors shop before the public! See shopping times at the top of this page. We ask that no children attend Presale events; however, infants under 12 months are allowed.
Consignor Passes
- One (1) to shop on Wednesday
- Up to five (5) guest passes to shop on Thursday
- Two (2) to shop the Half-Price Presale on Saturday

Step 6: End of Sale
Unsold Item Pick Up . . . . . Sunday 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
- YOU will arrive at 2:30pm on Sunday after the sale ends. YOU will walk the sales floor to collect your un-sold items. We are no longer sorting items out into piles. You will find your items and anything left at 4:30pm will be donated. You must be DONE finding your items by 4:30pm, no exceptions. (Do NOT arrive at 4:00pm as you won’t have time to get all your items!)
- Check the “Lost and Found” area for items that lost their tags.
If you do not wish to pick up unsold items at the end of the event, check the DONATE box when creating your price tags.
All items left in the building after 4:30pm on Sunday evening will be donated along with all other designated items to local charities. NO EXCEPTIONS.
itty bitty boutique is not responsible for lost, misplaced, stolen, or damaged items.

Step 7: Get Paid
- Payment: Consignors are encouraged to create and use a PayPal account as all earnings are processed through PayPal within 10 business days after the close of the event.
- Electronic Payment: Your Consignor Account email must be the SAME as the email associated with your PayPal account. itty bitty boutique pays all of the fees involved and you receive your funds faster and easier! Typically pays within 10 business days following the end of Sale date.
- Manual Payment: If you do not have a PayPal account, we will issue you a paper check, minus a $2 processing fee, within 35-45 days of sale close.
Join our Crew
Great News! As a Consignor, you are have the option to Join our Crew.
itty bitty boutique relies on our Crew to help host a quality event. Our Crew Members are the best shoppers, advertisers, and advocates. They help with tasks such as set up, sorting/organizing, and tear down. Benefits include the ability to shop early, keep more of what your items sell for, meet other parents, establish new friendships, etc. We need help to make our events the best they can be and our event can’t happen without the help from all of you!
See the Crew Page for more information.
Ready to join? Log into your consignor account to view the Crew Member Agreement, check the calendar for available shifts, and sign up for the shift(s) that work best for you.
Connect with Us
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Next Eugene Sale
Fri, April 4th, 9:00am – 7:00pm
Sat, April 5th, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sun, April 6th, 9:00am – 2:00pm
Lane Events Center
796 W 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402
Safety Pin Sales
Itty bitty boutique carries high-quality, 1.5 inch pins that do not leave holes! These pins, available for registered consignors, are much better than dollar store pins that tend to bend and break.
Bags in 100-pin increments are sold at $1.00 each plus shipping and handling. Order your safety pin supplies via PayPal below: